Surgery is a branch of medicine or dentistry that makes use of surgical techniques or operative manual to explore or treat an abnormal condition like an accident or a disease, to aid to improve physical function, appearance or to repair dysfunctional limbs, joints, or tissues. It is often accompanied by the term anesthetic. During surgery, the general or major body part is affected which generates local or regional effects in that organ. It may lead to death of the patient if the surgery is not performed properly.
The surgery can be broadly divided into two main categories: an incisional technique and a minimally invasive technique. In an incisional technique, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin or other tissues, inserts the instrument used for the surgery, and closes it. The surgeon can perform any type of surgical procedure in an operative environment through the aid of instruments and equipment. For minimally invasive surgery, there are smaller instruments placed under the skin which are used to remove, repair or manipulate the affected area.
If you’re preparing for a prior surgery, you’ll need help from your surgeon during the process. First, you’ll undergo the standard surgical exam in order to determine which procedures are appropriate for you. Next, you will undergo the preoperative imaging studies to determine your risk factors and other medical conditions you may have. Finally, before surgery, your surgeon will brief you on the procedure itself and discuss with you your medical risks and expected outcome.
Surgical consultants are doctors who specialize in the field of surgery. S/he is trained to provide quality surgical care to patients. He provides the necessary information needed by his patients, such as preoperative and postoperative imaging studies, a brief description of the surgical procedure, anesthesia requirements, medications used, the surgical site and related details, and the aftercare. These services should be availed by any potential surgery patient prior to the actual surgical procedure.
Prior to any surgery, patients should seek the advice of their surgeons regarding preoperative and postoperative imaging procedures. Most plastic surgeons recommend that patients prepare for open surgery at least a month before the actual procedure. This preparation includes removal of any sutures that have been applied to the incision sites, identification of any foreign objects present in the body, and removal of any foreign or internal objects that could cause complications during the surgery.
Open surgery is the most common type of surgical procedure. It involves the complete or partial removal of the excess or abnormal tissue from a part of the body. Once the procedure is completed, recovery takes place. During this period, the patient will be prescribed pain medication and can expect to resume normal activities one week after the surgical procedure.