A common question among diabetics is “What can I eat if I have diabetes?” There are many different answers to that question depending on the type of diabetes you have. For a person with Type I or Juvenile Diabetes, you will not be able to eat any foods that are considered to be high in sugar or starch. These two categories include potatoes, rice, breads, pasta, candies, cookies, ice cream, processed foods, chocolates, and soda. Basically, anything that is starchy or high in sugar is off the menu.
A healthy-eating plan is a natural healthy-eating strategy that is naturally high in fiber and low in calories and fat. Many key elements are vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Actually, a diabetic diet is the perfect eating plan for almost everybody. Why do you have to develop such a healthy- eating plan? If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes, then losing weight is definitely one of your goals. A healthy diet will help to prevent complications with blood glucose level, which in turn will help to keep your weight at a healthy level.
Diabetes complications are most common when glucose levels in the bloodstream become out of control. Symptoms of high blood glucose levels include frequent urination, hunger, excessive thirst, and confusion. When blood glucose levels in the bloodstream become too high, it can result in damage to the cells and damage to the entire body.
Skin infections are another common type of complication that occurs in a diabetic. Skin infections are a common part of having diabetes. There are two common types of skin infections in a diabetic: rashes and blisters. Symptoms include dry skin, rash, itching, and pain in the affected areas. It’s very important that if you notice these symptoms that you should notify your doctor as soon as possible.
Not enough insulin is another problem that commonly occurs in diabetics. Insulin is produced by the pancreas and is needed for the body to properly absorb glucose. The problem is that when there is not enough insulin in the bloodstream, the amount of glucose that the blood absorbs becomes too low. This may result in excess sugar in the bloodstream, which can cause diabetes to progress. Symptoms include excessive thirst, hunger, and urination.
Chronic inflammation is another complication that occurs in a diabetic. This is a problem because it damages the cells in the body. When the blood sugar level drops, the white blood cells begin to attack cells in the bloodstream for their sugar. It’s imperative that this situation be addressed quickly to avoid more damage to the cells and to prevent diabetes complications from happening.