Dental science, also called dental medicine, is an area of medicine which includes the study, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and preventative of dental disorders, diseases, and conditions. The most common type of dental disease is periodontal disease, which results from plaque (calculus containing bacteria) build up which cannot be removed by brushing, flossing, or rinsing. Common diseases that affect the gums are periodontitis, gingivitis, and periodontitis and gingivitis can spread to the bones causing bone loss and tooth decay. Dental diseases which are commonly seen are periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, and gingivitis.
Dental diseases are complex systems of action. They involve a complex network of physiologic, biochemical, structural, functional, emotional, mental, and environmental factors. Poor oral health leads to a number of common dental problems which affect all aspects of life. Poor oral health results in pain and discomfort in the mouth, inability to properly chew, swollen and sagging teeth, bleeding gums, and bad breath. The reduction of tooth quality reduces self confidence and causes avoidance of social interaction. In extreme cases, tooth loss results in tooth deformities and speech and language disabilities.
Dental pulp tissues, the supporting structures for the teeth, consist of a network of soft, fluid-filled sacs. These structures are made of two types of tissue: the thin layer of pulp tissue, which is found between the roots of the teeth and the hard bony tissue that are located in the centre of the tooth root and protected by a thin layer of enamel. The enamel acts as a barrier against bacterial infections and caries. When decay sets in, this hard tissue swells and makes it difficult to clean between teeth. This causes damage to the underlying dental structure, sometimes causing tooth loss.
Dental prosthetics are dental appliances that can replace one or more missing teeth in order to improve the appearance and function of your mouth. Dentures, bridges, retainers, crowns, implants, and custom dentures are available to correct different mouth problems. Dental prosthetics help improve chewing, speech, posture, teeth alignment, bite, smile, eating habits, and facial expression. Dental prosthetics can be made from different materials including metal alloy, plastic, ceramic, wood, leather, composite, nylon, fibre, titanium, plastic composites, stainless steel, titanium, ceramic, porcelain, etc. Dental implants can be used for replacements of both upper and lower teeth in one jaw, teeth in one or both jaws, jawbone supporting the prosthetic, or even complete dentures which allow the user to eat comfortably with both lower and upper teeth.
An abutment crown is a custom-made, porcelain dental prosthesis that is most often used to replace a lost tooth. Abutment crowns are custom-made by gluing porcelain crowns or dental bridges to the front of an existing tooth. Abutment crowns have the look of real teeth. A bone graft is then used to fully integrate the prosthetic into the jawbone. If a tooth is lost or if the patient is missing all of their teeth, a bone graft is often the best solution.
Tooth crowns are used to improve the appearance of teeth and to prevent tooth decay. They improve the color, shape, size, strength, and durability of teeth. They also prevent the development of cavities. Crowns are generally made from porcelain or composite materials and can range in color from white to platinum white.
The Dental profession recognizes the importance of Dental Care and the number of dentists has increased in recent years. Dental Care includes preventive care, treatment planning, and preventative services that help to maintain overall dental health.